This short clip shows how Northstowe Phase 3A could look when complete. It shows retained trees and greenspace between Northstowe and Oakington.
Updated planning application material has been submitted to South Cambridge District Council for the Outline Planning Application for Northstowe Phase 3A and 3B.
The updated material has been submitted by Homes England in response to feedback on the original Outline Applications in 2020. The updated material provides additional justification and explanation of the proposals.
There have been a small number of minor revisions to the proposals (described in the covering letters for Phase 3A and Phase 3B) but the amount and extent of development for both Phases 3A and 3B remain fundamentally as originally submitted.
The purpose of this page is to provide easy access to the key documents.
A complete set of updated application documents including technical reports are available to view on the South Cambs DC website. If you have comments on the updated material, you should also submit these on the South Cambs DC website. The deadline for comments is 1 March 2021.
South Cambs DC website - Complete set of Phase 3A application documents (updated)
South Cambs DC website - Complete set of Phase 3B application documents (updated)
Phase 3A - Application ref 20/02171/OUT
Updated Design and Access Statement (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part4)
Summary of Responses to Public Consultation
Updated Open Space and Landscape Parameter Plan
Updated Movement Parameter Plan
Updated Building Heights Parameter Plan
Phase 3B - Application ref 20/02142/OUT
Updated Design and Access Statement (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3)
Summary of Responses to Public Consultation
Updated Open Space and Landscape Parameter Plan