Community resources directory 

Organisations and services in Northstowe 

You will find the answers to many common questions about Northstowe, including details of healthcare provision on our FAQ page

Keeping up with Northstowe

South Cambridgeshire District Council runs a regular Northstowe Community Forum where you can ask questions about the town and its development. It also has answers to common Northstowe questions on its website, including when each community facility is coming forward. 

Northstowe Town Council is run by residents and gives you the opportunity to have a say in the town’s development. 

You can also keep up with what’s happening in the local community in the volunteer-run Northstowe News magazine. 

The Cabin is Northstowe’s temporary community centre. In collaboration with local organisations and authorities, the centre offers a wide range of workshops, classes and activities, with rooms that you can book.  

The Community Development Officers working at South Cambridgeshire District Council support residents to settle in and get to know the area. They deliver a Welcome Pack to all residents when a house is first occupied.  This contains useful information i.e. bin collection dates and getting onto the electoral register, but also information on events and activities taking place at the community centre and within Northstowe, for example, the community café, running festivals, art groups, youth group and community celebrations. They can also put residents in touch with various agencies offering parent and small children’s activities, upskilling courses and many opportunities to meet the community.  

As it is important for the community to be kept up to date with different decision-making agencies on local issues such as planning matters, every quarter, SCDC host a Northstowe Community Forum for the community to hear and put questions to decision makers, everyone is invited to attend. 

The CDOs are committed to working with residents to ensure that Northstowe is a healthy, safe, happy and thriving place to live. They can support residents if they have an idea or initiative for an activity, event or new community group. If you would like to find out more about the work that local community groups do or to take advantage of any volunteering opportunities, please get in touch with Mihaela and Michele.  

The CDOs can be contacted via email or you can attend one their drop-in sessions which take place the first Tuesday of the month at 1pm. 



Cambridgeshire Busway  

Greener Travel Pack 

Enterprise Car Club

Northstowe Liftshare Community  

Smart Journeys



Northstowe Learning Community 

Northstowe Nursery 

Pathfinder Primary School

Northstowe Secondary College 

Northstowe Primary School 

Martin Bacon Academy 

Northstowe Sixth Form College 


Spaces for hire 

The Cabin 

Western Park Pavilion  

Northstowe Secondary College 

Public services 

Cambridgeshire household waste and recycling 

Cambridgeshire County Council 

Cambridgeshire Fire & Rescue  

Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority 

South Cambs District Council

Cambridgeshire Constabulary 


Urban & Civic  

Homes England 


Community representation  

Northstowe Town Council 

Northstowe Community Forum 

Northstowe Community Networks Group 

Northstowe News  


Community organisations 

Northstowe Hub 

Northstowe Arts

Sustainable Northstowe 

Northstowe Sports and Wellbeing 

Northstowe Festival of Running

Northstowe Horticultural Association (including allotments)
Youth Hive

Northstowe Gamers  

Northstowe Foodies 

Faith groups 

Emmanuel Church Northstowe

Hindu Samaj Northstowe

Northstowe Muslims 

Northstowe Church Network (with Pathfinder Church)