Public Consultation Education Campus: exhibition 21 February 2018

6 February, 2018

We are pleased to announce that proposals are being developed to design and construct the Northstowe Education Campus. The campus, which will be built in a number of phases, will ultimately provide primary (including pre-school), Secondary, SEN (Special Education Needs) and sixth form provision, as well as sports and community facilities.

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The emerging proposals focus on the development of a robust masterplan, covering the whole of the campus, with a specific focus on the Phase 1 provision comprising a 4FE secondary school and sports provision, 12FE secondary core facilities, 110 place SEN school and elements of indoor and outdoor community sports.

The project team, comprising Cambridge Meridian Academies Trust (CMAT), Homes England, South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council supported by Kier Construction and architects, Frank Shaw Associates, have been developing initial proposals for some months and would welcome your views on the emerging design concepts.

A public consultation event has been arranged for 21 February from 3.30pm until 7.00pm. This is a drop in event and will be held at Pathfinder School, Northstowe. 

The project team recognises the importance and value of consulting with the local community and would welcome your views on the emerging proposals as part of the ongoing development of the scheme, ahead of submission of a formal planning application.

Representatives from the project team, including CMAT as the school sponsor, will be pleased to discuss the current design proposals with you and would welcome your views. 

Subject to a satisfactory planning process, construction work will commence late in 2018 with a partial completion of core curriculum facilities to be available for September 2019 and Phase 1 completing the following June.