June and July 2024 – essential minor works in Northstowe
Construction companies, Sisk and Greenfisher, will be undertaking a series of minor, essential works across Northstowe throughout June and July 2024. This means that you might see some people out and about over the coming weeks and experience minor diversions and traffic management measures, but day-to-day travel around Northstowe will be largely unaffected.
A map of Northstowe, including labels with an indication of where June/July 2024 highways and infrastructure works are planned and who will be leading the works.
The highways and infrastructure works will take place at various locations across the emerging town – please see the image above for an indication of where activity is planned and who will be leading the works.
Minimal public impacts of the works will include:
1. A foot and cycleway next to Wilson’s Bridge (which reaches over the new access road) will be closed and inaccessible to the public.
Traffic management may be required on:
2. the westbound carriageway of the new access road near Wilson’s Bridge
3. the Pegasus Crossing on the new access road
4. a footpath on the eastern (school) side of Stirling Road
5. the northern side of Halcyon Mere lake
6. the road facing Martin Bacon Academy
Other disruption will include:
7. Pond access works along the new access road mean that disruption to pedestrians and cyclists can be expected.
8. The path between Halcyon Mere lake and the adjoining southern greenway continues to be closed until further notice.
9. A haul road crossover will be constructed near the Eastern Sports Hub site, providing access between the west and east of this location. It will be used by construction vehicles and may have some impact on pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles.
10. The footway/cycleway on the east side of Stirling Road is closed to support the construction of the Eastern Sports Hub, which may impact pedestrians and cyclists. However, the footway/cycleway on the other side of the road will remain open and accessible.